Thursday, December 30, 2010

Final days 29 & 30...

In the past month what have you learned
I have actually learned a great deal about myself this last month; not necessarily from this blog, but from life in general. I have learned to trust my gut instincts. I was presented with an opportunity in November to switch my minor from math to health promotion. I have wavered back-and-forth several times. However, I knew all along within myself what I wanted/needed to do. I just wasn't willing to listen to the promptings, because it was a scary leap of faith to take. I have also learned that I am a much stronger person than I give myself credit for. I often doubt my abilities and rely on other people way too often. NOT ANYMORE!!!! I am going to stand on my own two feet and make things work. I have learned that if I put myself out there I will be rewarded. I have never applied for a scholarship or grants, because I was stubborn and didn't want to ask for a handout. Well, this year I stepped out of my comfort zone once again and applied. To my amazement I received a $300 scholarship several month ago; WOW! So, I applied again this time for a grant...Fall Semester 2010 & Spring Semester 2010...paid for with a Pell Grant!!! I was beside myself, things were starting to fall into place for me. I went online to Weber States web page to see if my Pell Grant had been applied to Spring Semester yet. While on the site I saw I had an e-mail from the financial department at Weber, a bit concerned due to my calculus grade I opened the letter, only to find out that I had been awarded another $300 scholarship!!!! Since a Pell Grant is money they give you that you don't have to pay back I will receive a check for the extra money that isn't needed and I can apply it to Summer Semester 2011!!! I have learned that I am very capable of receiving the help that I need and making my dream of becoming a teacher a reality!

Who are you?
I am a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend, a strong woman, an educated woman. I am a strong willed individual, who works hard for everything she has. I was raised to be a honest, virtuous, caring, giving, and loving person. I am a girl who is always on time. I am a girl who believes in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. I am a goofy, yet sometimes dorky person. I always sing songs, often ones I have created with random words---an example of one I sing often: "Oh Kari, she's so smelly that is why she married Larry. They have three kids Jerry, Terry, and Mary. While they live in Perry they think it is scary."--my sister hates this by the way!
I am a perfectionist. I sometimes like to think of myself crafty, always trying to sew or create something new. I have a temper that my family unfortunately gets to see too often. I am terrified of water, snakes, and being lonely. I AM ME!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catching up again....

OK, so maybe this blog challenge wasn't such a great idea! I have not been keeping up on it like I had planned, but December is kind of a tough month to be trying to do this type of thing. Anyways, here is day 22-28!

What makes you different from everyone else
This is a tough question, but I think there are lots of things that make me different from everyone else. I am a very complex person with many layers to myself. I am a very driven person. I like to have control of situations and events, I get very irritate/annoyed when things are not done to my specifications. Most people are able to step back and allow others to have control, not me. I have tried, but end up feeling like things are not done accurately. Another thing that I think is different from most people is the wanting to be center attention. Yes, I enjoy when people notice my hard work, but I don't like them to dwell on it. Most people want to be recognized and/or praised for their not so much. There are only a few times when I have felt disappointed for not being recognized for some of my achievements, but those feelings come from another place within myself!

Something you crave
Lately my appetite has been a bit suppressed and nothing has sounded good. However, in the past I often crave apples, broccoli, chicken noodle soup, and chicken Alfredo.

A letter to your parents
Wowzer! Today's challenge is going to be a difficult one, but here it goes.
Dear Mom & Dad,
I don't even know where to begin this letter. First and foremost to my dad, I love, respect, adore, and couldn't live without you! You have been my rock and guiding light my entire life. From the very beginning it has been you and I. I was blessed that you worked swing shift and could stay home with me when I was younger, which I believe is what has really solidified our relationship. You have always been one of my heroes, not because you are my dad, but for the man that you are. You have always been the strength to our family. You are unlike any other father I know; you are always cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing yard work, providing for our family, listening to our problems, solving our problems and doing it all without complaint. Not many people see or believe how much you do around our house, but I want you to know that I do. I see how much thought, perseverance, and most importantly, how much love you give to each of us. Thank you for being such an incredible father, man, and friend! I love you!
To my mom even though we don't often see eye to eye, I want you to know that I do love you. I am grateful for the opportunity you and dad have given me to continue to live at home while I attend school. You often get the brunt of my frustrations and I want to apologize for that. Thank you for being my mom.

What I would find in your blog
If perusing my blog you would probably find short stories and poems I have written. You would also find pictures of me, my family, and things I enjoy. You might possibly run into a story about me or my family from time to time; and sometimes I am so inclined to post my latest craft idea.

What you think about your friends
My aunt is letting me borrow a diary that my Grandma Burton wrote when she was 15 years old. I am currently reading it and as she would have said, "Gee, I think they are swell!"---Diary was written in 1941

Why are you doing this 30-day challenge
I ask myself this question every time I sit down to write an answer to these questions! I decided to write it to expose a side of myself I often keep hidden--possibly, because I am afraid people will know the "real" me. However, if you read one of my earlier post titled: Exposing myself you would know that I am tired of hiding who I truly am.

A pic of you last year and now, how have you changed
I couldn't find a picture from last year, so you will have to just see one from 2008 and then from this year! I haven't changed that much; except for my hair length & color and my weight gain.

My birthday/Christmas in Disney World 2008

Christmas 2010 at my Grandma & Grandpa Helm's house...I was a little annoyed at this moment; then my sister came and took my picture.

And there you have my extra long post again....thankfully there is only 3 more days left of this challenge!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Days 20 and 21...

Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
To be completely honest I don't see myself ever getting married. However, if the right guy does come along I will snatch him up! I hope to be with someone who continues to inspire me to be my best. Someone who will not only be a partner, but a friend. I want to be able to look at the man I marry 30 years later and still feel the little spark I felt in the beginning--which means lots of work to keep our marriage united.

Pictures of things that make you happy


Flowers, especially a daisy

A Christmas Story is my favorite Christmas movie. It is also what makes my holiday traditions complete.

Basset Hounds are my favorite dog, but seeing any puppy can't but make me happy.

The mountains! I am so lucky to be able to look out my window and see this beautiful sight everyday!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19...

Nicknames you have, why?

I have had many nicknames growing up. Some have stuck with me and others fade quickly (thank goodness!).

* Sam: It kind of goes with my name! I have always been called it and probably always will.

* Sammy: Again, it goes with the name Samantha. I don't get called this very often, in fact I hate to be called. However, there are a select few that still call me it and it does not bother me. Specifically my aunt Leslie, an old primary teacher Karryn, and occasionally my sisters.

* Sambo: Don't ask me why, I have no idea how I got this nickname. My uncle Steven still calls me it and truthfully he is the only one that can. It bothers me when anyone else calls me it!

* Sam-I-Am: My great-aunt Myrtle started to call me this when I visited her. Her husband Don is the only one that continues to call me it!

* Hollywood: When I was a lot younger my aunt Melanie gave me this nickname. I don't know the entire story behind it, except for the fact it went along with a popular movie, "Mannequin". I have not been called this since I was really really little.

Those are just a few of the names I have been called throughout my lifetime.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Way behind...Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18....

Okay, so I have been trying to finish up Christmas presents, Christmas cards, adding in some relaxation, and starting my spring semester readings. Therefore, I have gotten a few days behind on the blog challenge. Here are the days I have missed all in one!

A letter to someone who hurt you recently
I am not going to provide a name for this person, but here it goes:
Dear So-&-So,

I don't think you have ever intended to hurt me, but it seems like every time I put trust, hope, or any inclining of thought into you or your family I get burned. I have always been jealous of your family, I even once thought you were the "ideal" family. However, as I have grown older I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Unfortunately there are several things that have happened through the years that have made me lose respect for you and your family. You are not the person I believed you to be, nor the person I think you were raised to be! I hope one day I can forgive you and possibly restore the trust, respect, and love I once had for you.


A pic of you and your family

Put your Ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

* How Far We've Come--Matchbox Twenty
* Ocean Avenue--Yellowcard
* Crack the Shutters--Snow Patrol
* Still Ain't Over You--Rob Thomas
* Dirty Little Secret--The All American Rejects
* Heels Over Head--Boys like Girls
* Her Eyes--Pat Monahan
* Hey Love--Better Than Ezra
* Carry You Home--James Blunt
* Be Ok--Ingrid Michaelson

Some more pictures of yourself

Someone you would want to switch lives with for 1 day and why
To be completely honest, there is no one I would want to switch lives with for 1 day! I am completely happy with my own life!

Plans/dreams/goals you have

Oh, I have so many so I will only list a few!
* Finish School and become a teacher
* Become a published author
* Be a mom someday
* Inspire at least one student a year to be their best
* Travel to Spain once
* Improve myself physically, mentally, and emotionally!

Whew! I am caught up on the challenge, hopefully I won't miss this many days again! Sorry for such a long post!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 11 and 12....

Another pic of you and your friends

Christmas in Disneyworld, Florida 2008

How you found out about blogs and why you made one
I was encouraged by one of my professors at Weber State University, Dr. Brad Roghaar, to start this blog. I had been talking with him about my pursuit of being published. One day he asked how my writing was coming and I told him that I can't ever find the time to write. He suggested writing through a blog, he said once you have followers and people who are dependent on your writing it will force you to write more. So, I took his advise; even though I don't write as often as I thought I would, it has pushed me to write a little bit more than normal.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quarter of a Century...

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

I turned 25 this year, which I have always dreaded (more so than 30). For me it seems like the turning point in many people's lives. I always hoped I would have accomplished so much more by the time I was 25, but I guess I still have time!

My birthday was spent being kind of lazy. I woke up and studied for my last final of the semester, and later that night my parents took me to dinner. We went to Iggies Sports Grill in Ogden; it was okay, not the greatest food. The only thing I really love there is this sauce they give to dip your bread in--DELICIOUS!!!

Above all 25 isn't that bad....yet!

Day 10...

Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

This is an interesting question! I love music, I am constantly singing/humming, and I also listen to a wide range of music. I had not given it much thought before, but when I am in certain moods I do tend to lean towards certain types of songs.

Happy, sad, mad, bored ect... I always can listen to my Broadway songs. Right now on my Ipod I have songs from Wicked, Spring Awakening, Addams Family, Footloose and Songs for a New World. These songs I listen to all the time, in any mood I am in.

If I am happy I like to listen to more upbeat music to keep me in the happy mood that I am in. Songs like: Walk like an Egyptian, Manic Monday, any thing by Jason Mraz, any thing by Ingrid Michelson, etc...

If I am mad I like songs that are more calming that will help me get out of my funk. Artists like: The Beatles, John Legend, Soundtrack of Dear John, etc...

I also like to listen to Akon, Natasha Bedingfield, Green Day, Boys like Girls, The Script, ABBA, Colbie Caillat etc.... Like I said earlier my music taste is quite broad.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 9...

Something you are proud of in the last few days

This one is a tough one for me, but I guess the biggest thing happening in my life is school. I am proud of myself for sticking with Calculus and trying the best that I could up until the very end!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8...

Short term goals for this month and why

1. Study and finish this semester! I actually have already started to accomplish this goal; I only have my Shakespeare final left and I take that tomorrow!

2. Finish the presents my mom is giving to her brothers and sisters. I have all but one completed, I just decided to wait until finals were over.

3. Finish the present my dad is giving to his sister!

4. Read! This next semester I have a large stack of books that I will be reading and I would like to get a head start on the semester and read during the few weeks I have off--lame way to spend break time I know, but what can you do?

5. Organize my room again! It seems like at the end of each semester I wonder how big the tornado really was that came through my room.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 6 & 7....

Your favorite super hero & why?
Since I don't have a favorite super hero, I have actually decided to skip this day and just move onto day 7!

A picture of something/someone who has the biggest impact on you

I have been very blessed in my life where I have had many people and things that have had an impact on me. I think I will just stick with the most important ones though in an effort to conserve time!

1. My family: I have the greatest family! My parents, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc... all have had an impact on me in one way or another. The two that stand out the most are my dad and sister Kacee. They are who I turn to whenever I need advise, guidance, or simply someone to listen to my ramblings. They both have given words of encouragement, love, friendship, and sometimes a reality check. I am grateful for each person in my family and the lessons they have taught me in the 25 years of life!

2. The Church: Even though I am struggling with the church at this current moment, it still has had an impact on my life. I have learned many things from the church, specifically the importance of how to treat people. I still have a love for my Heavenly Father and know that he is there guiding my life (even though many people have told me that, because I don't attend church I may not be able to feel him close to me...boy are they wrong!).

3. Teachers: I have had a few teachers that have inspired/impacted my life in a huge way! Miss Higgs (3rd grade), Mr. Herzog (8th grade English), and Candace Thurgood (high school family & consumer science). All three of these teachers have instilled the desire to want to be a teacher. Mr. Herzog influenced my love of writing and reading. Miss Higgs gave my confidence not only in my school work, but in myself (she is the real reason I am becoming a teacher!). And as for Candace, she showed me how to be a teacher, how to truly love your job, and how to dream big!

4. Writing: I know this may sound weird that writing has had an impact on me, but it really has. Writing has been a way for me to express my true feelings, and throughout my writing I have leaned a little bit more about myself with each piece.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 5...

A picture of somewhere you have been

I haven't actually traveled to as many places as I have dreamed of, but I have traveled to a few places in the U.S.A. Here are the places I have traveled to:

* My family made it a tradition for a few years to go to Disney, so I have been to California and Florida a few times. When I was really young we drove to California, so this allowed me to visit Nevada.

Disneyland 1989

Disneyland 1993ish

Disneyworld 2005

Disneyland 2006

Disneyland 2007

Christmas in Florida 2008

* I have also traveled to Arkansas on a road-trip with my grandparents. This included driving through Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. When we were there we traveled to my mom's cousins house; which allowed us to visit Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virgina.

* A few summers ago my dad, Kacee, Kari, and I drove to Yellowstone which took us through Idaho and Montana

* I have also been to Wyoming, usually after we have drove to Mirror Lake, we will take the scenic way home.

* And if you count being in airports I have also been to Colorado.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 4...

A habit you wish you didn't have

There are so many habits that I have that I wish I didn't. Here is a list of a few, some I am working on trying to fix while others I have just excepted.

* Popping my knuckles. I do this several times a day, mostly when I am bored or stressed.

* Biting my nails.

* Correcting people (grammar, the way they talk, the way they eat, etc...)this has led to many arguments within my family.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3...

A picture of you and your friends

I just realised that I don't really have friends persay. However, I do consider my sisters my friends. Since we do almost everything together anyways, I have decided to post my favorite pictures of us together.

Day 2...

The meaning behind your blog name

I titled my blog: The Diary of a Beginning Writer, for a few reasons.

1- Because that is exactly what it is. I have been writing my entire life, however it wasn't until recently that I actually started taking it seriously. I feel like I am just getting started and still have a lot to learn.

2-It is a spin on one of my favorite books, "The Diary of a Young Girl" by: Anne Frank.

3- I also feel that this blog is a type of journal/diary for myself. I often express my feelings, emotions, and opinions on here. It is a way for me to keep track of my everyday events in life.

Day 1...

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

I realise that this picture is a year old, however it is the most recent picture I have of myself!

I don't know how "interesting" these facts are about myself, but here they are:

1. I hate jello, the texture is completely gross to me.

2. I am terrified of water!

3. I often act shy, because I don't know how to handle certain situations. I am actually pretty confident when I am around other people. I just don't like to be the first person to stand out.

4. I love the Spanish culture, I only wish I could speak the language! My dream is to travel to Spain one day.

5. I have a passion/love of reading. I have a never ending list of books to read and I am always looking for suggestions.

6. I secretly think I will be alone for the rest of my life. This idea really scares me.

7. I am a complete klutz. I am constantly falling down the stairs, tripping over my feet, or running into doors/walls.

8. One of my goals in life is to be a mother. Even if I never marry, I want to adopt two children.

9. I always have to be right. This is also connected with the fact that I like things to be perfect. It bothers me to not know something or for something to be out of place. It is a horrible quality to have truthfully, it has led me to some pretty lengthy discussions/arguments.

10. I am often referred to as Lavora by my family, because I can always be heard humming, singing, making up new lyrics to songs--whether at home, in the car, or standing in the grocery store.

11. I am a whiz with numbers--not necessarily meaning math skills, but remembering numbers. Ask me anyone in my families birthdays/anniversaries, my childhood friends phone numbers, or even my old locker combination in junior high school...I can tell you all of these.

12. I am a homebody. I enjoy sitting at home watching t.v/movies, reading a good book, playing games, crafting, or just doing absolutely nothing. I would much rather spend a day at home then go somewhere.

13. I am a people family may disagree with this statement, but I feel extremely guilty if I don't please people. This means I will go above and beyond what I am actually supposed to do in order to make someone happy. Unfortunately this has led to some letdowns for myself.

14. I often feel like I don't fit in anywhere (school, church, work, home). I believe this is where my fear of being alone comes from.

15. I fear I have so many goals for my life that I don't think I will actually accomplish them. I don't want to be known as the girl who was unsuccessful.

Blog Challenge

I keep saying I will write more frequently on this blog, but then life wraps me up and I forget that I have a blog. A friend sent me a 30-day blog challenge and suggested that I should try it. She said that I would be surprised at the outcome of the posts. After looking it over I decided that I would accept the challege! Some of the questions are difficult, but I will try my best at answering them througout the month of December.

30-Day Blog Challenge

1. A recent pic of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
2. The meaning behind your blog name
3. A picture of you and your friends
4. A habit you wish you didn't have
5. A pic of somewhere you have been
6. Favorite super hero and why
7. A picture of something/someone who has the biggest impact on you
8. Short term goals for this month and why
9. Something you are proud of in the last few days
10. Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
11. Another pic of you and your friends
12. How you found out about blogs and why you made one
13. A letter to someone who hurt you recently
14. A pic of you and your family
15. Put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
16. Another pic of yourself
17. Someone you would want to switch lives with for 1 day and why
18. Plans/dreams/goals you have
19. Nicknames you have, why
20. Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
21. A pic of something that makes you happy
22. What makes you different from everyone else
23. Something you crave
24. A letter to your parents
25. What I would find in your blog
26. What you think about your friends
27. Why are you doing this 30-day challenge
28. A pic of you last year and now, how have you changed
29. In the past month what have you learned
30. Who are you?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Being Grateful...

Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner I would like to take a minute and jot down a few things I am grateful for!

* My family--without them my life would be crazy and hectic. They keep me calm, level headed, and remind me of who I am.

* My ability to learn--I am so thankful for the opportunity to attend school and learn. It has been stressful/challenging at times, but o'so worth it!

* My job--Even though I don't necessarity enjoy my job, I am grateful to have one.

* My beliefs--I am grateful for parents who taught me to stand up for what I believe in and always follow my intuition.

* Utah---I have always wanted to move away from Utah, but I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me each and every day. I often take this one for granite.

Dilema solved...

So, I realise I am not that great at posting on this blog as often as I should. However, school and work are taking a lot out of me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have always enjoyed school, with the exception of this semester. I have really started to think about things differently--as in I really need to start pleasing myself and not the others around me. So, what does one do to figure out what they really want in life? I made pro and con lists, did a little research, and prayed to my Father in Heaven to guide me in making the right decision. I am taking a very scary leap of faith, but I believe that switching my minor from Math teaching, to Health Promotion Teaching is exactly what I need to do. I met with several professors in the health department, who only confirmed my gut feelings!

I officially switched my minor and I am on track to graduate in the Spring of 2013 (way earlier than anticipated)!!!

Ready or not here I come!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Math troubles...

I don't know why I chose math as my minor! The longer I stay in my Calculus class the more I question my decision. This class has been a difficult struggle for me. I am preparing for my second test (which I will take on Monday) and I felt good about the things we had discussed in class. That is until I get home, do the homework, or try to work on practice problems. I don't understand why I am struggling so much with this class, or why I cannot retain any of the information. I am tired of crying, getting headaches, and feeling like a complete failure! I cannot wait until December and this class is over!

On a positive note, my writings are coming along! I am preparing to sumbit three pieces to Weber State's Literary Journal: Metephor. My deadline is in January, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed! This will be a small stepping stone towards my publishing dream!

Thanks for reaading!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pen Pals

When I was in the third grade my class was given an assignment to write letters to somebody. This assignment was to help us work on our cursive writing, sentence structure, and spelling. I remember coming home, telling my mom about this assignment, and asking if she knew anyone I could write to. Well, she thought about it, asked our family for suggestion, and came back with an answer...You can write your aunt Mutt! My aunt who? I didn't know who this person was, let alone where she lived. I remember my mom laughing and saying, "your grandpa Helm has a sister, Myrtle, who lives in Arkansas. You can write to her and get to know her." My mom got her address from my grandpa, I went back to school with it, and started writing to her.

We wrote several letters back and forth and quickly we became very close. I wrote her at least once a month (if not more) for the next few years. When I was in the fifth grade my grandparents were going back to Arkansas to visit Mutt. They knew that I wrote her often and that we had gotten close, so they invited me to come along! I was thrilled! My mom told me it would be boring and I would not enjoy it there, boy was she wrong. I remember having the time of my life. While I was there we went to a crystal mine, I was able to meet some family I didn't even know existed, we explored the forest (which is her backyard), we traveled to Kentucky to see Mutt's daughter Connie, we went up through the Smokey Mountains, saw some waterfalls, and I was also able to learn about where my grandpa grew up.

After this trip I believe I was on cloud nine! Mine and Mutt's relationship has always been special. I wish we didn't live so far away from each other; life seems to sweep us away and as I have gotten older writing letters has become difficult to do. We don't write, talk on the phone, or see each other very often now and I have truely missed her and I think of her everyday.

So, the other day when I came home from school I was a little taken back to hear that Mutt was at my grandparent's house. My mom asked if I wanted to go see her...I don't think she really needed to ask! It was so great to see her, to hear her talk and laugh, and to see her husband Don (who is just the nicest man). As I sat there listening to everyone talk, my mind kept playing over and over the memories I have from my trip to Arkansas.I hope to make it back there once I am out of school!

Who would have thought such a special relationship would have come from a third grade writing assignment?

Pictures from my Arkansas Trip about 14 years ago!

My Great-Great Aunt Lela and I. I believe out of my cousins I am the only one to have met her. She was such a neat lady; this picture is taken outside in her front yard. (Don't mind the crazy hairstyle...I don't know what I was thinking! Also, I look at this picture and cringe at the thought that kids teased me, because I was too fat. I would kill to be that thin again)

My Grandma, Grandpa, Mutt, and Don--I believe this was taken outside of a cave we went to (but cannot quite remember)

Mutt and My Grandma, I don't remember what this place we were at was called.


One of my favorite ladies---my Great-Aunt Mutt!

Sorry for the bad quality pictures, we didn't have digital cameras back then!

Thanks for reading!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hakuna Matata...

Not many people know this about me, but I love to sing (even though I am horrible at it). I often find myself singing a song I heard on the radio, making up words to a tune I know, or I am often referred to as Lavora (my grandma) because I will just start humming while walking down the cereal isle. When I was younger my parents bought tickets to see Phantom of the Opera when it came to Salt Lake City; ever since then I have loved Broadway. As a family we have tried to see as many shows as we can together; we have been blessed to see Phantom, Les Mis (2 or 3 times), Miss Saigon, Joseph & Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Cats, and several others. It has been something we have always enjoyed doing together.

In 2008 we had heard Wicked was coming to town (Kacee & I both love the music to this show), however we were in Florida on a family vacation and were unable to obtain tickets. So, Kacee started to search to see what was coming next; one day she announced that The Lion King would be coming in 2010...quickly everyone in my family said "Oh that is a definite see!" Well, Kari and I had forgotten all about it because we knew we couldn't afford to attend the show.

Every Christmas my parents do family gifts amongst our individual gifts. On Christmas 2009 instead of a package to open, my dad handed each of us an envelope. When we opened it we saw tickets to...

We were so excited! Well, the day finally arrived this last weekend (Sept. 5, 2010) when we actually got to see the show. And I was NOT disappointed! It was incredible, all of the actor/actresses were so graceful, their voices were perfect, and the music was wonderful! My favorite part of the show was defiantly the voices of each person--they blew me away; but I also loved the cheetah (pictured below) she was the most graceful. I was very impressed at how humans could act out the mannerisms of animals!

I am so glad I got to enjoy this with my family and look forward to the next Broadway show we can attend!

Thanks for reading!!!