Monday, November 8, 2010

Dilema solved...

So, I realise I am not that great at posting on this blog as often as I should. However, school and work are taking a lot out of me mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have always enjoyed school, with the exception of this semester. I have really started to think about things differently--as in I really need to start pleasing myself and not the others around me. So, what does one do to figure out what they really want in life? I made pro and con lists, did a little research, and prayed to my Father in Heaven to guide me in making the right decision. I am taking a very scary leap of faith, but I believe that switching my minor from Math teaching, to Health Promotion Teaching is exactly what I need to do. I met with several professors in the health department, who only confirmed my gut feelings!

I officially switched my minor and I am on track to graduate in the Spring of 2013 (way earlier than anticipated)!!!

Ready or not here I come!!!

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