Monday, June 14, 2010

Feeling Crafty....

I often find myself with down time that I don't know what to do with; this weekend was one of those times. I should have been studying for my final...but lets be real who wants to do that when I can be doing crafts? I learned how to tie quilts a few years ago from my Grandma Helm. She taught me for one of my young women's projects. It was probably the funnest three weeks I have ever had with her. I admire my grandma a lot; she is an exceptional woman who has been through a lot in her life. I feel like I have a special bond with her, because she taught me this craft. It is even more special to me since I know she learned from her own mother.

I had bought some fabric on Black Friday and I have been dreaming of what to make with it. It hit me one night as I was laying in bed exactly what I wanted to do with my Black Friday find...I am going to try a patchwork quilt. On my bed is a quilt that my Great Grandma made for my parent's wedding gift, it's a patchwork quilt, and the inspiration for my crafting project.

I have never done a patchwork, but have wanted to for a long time. So, I pulled out my sewing machine and got busy making a baby quilt. I have only done a line and a half, but I think it is turning out pretty well for being my first time!

Oh yeah, I did manage to get some studying for my final in too! I will be taking my test tomorrow; I just hope I can remember all of the stories and poems that we read.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

I am thinking that this blog might not be such a bad thing! Whenever I am unable to sleep my mind often goes crazy with ideas and now I have a place to store all of them.

So, since I am wide awake I decided to blog about Memorial Day. Memorial Day this year was an interesting one for me; it took on a whole different meaning. As I have gotten older my thoughts on what Memorial Day is have changed. I used to think of it as a kick off for summer (it usually meant there was only one week of school left). However, this year my thoughts were generated towards those who have and are serving our country, those in my family who have passed on, and also towards a friend that passed away a few years ago.

It never crossed my mind that I would have a friend pass away so young. Even though we had a falling out and were not longer close at the time of her passing; I can't seem to get her out of my mind. It seems like every day something reminds me of her. It is the simplest things that get me thinking about her too. The other day I drove past some kids jumping on a trampoline and it reminded me of her. Whenever someone mentions a story about girls camp; I see her laughing hysterically about a tree that's base of the trunk was shaped like a butt (and happened to be right next to the outhouse). I am grateful for the chance to have her apart of my life. I wish I could have been a better friend and that our goals in life didn't differ so much. You will always hold a special place in my heart Jessica!

Jessica was not the only one I remembered this Memorial Day. I thought a lot about my grandparents. I wish I could have known them better. My grandpa passed away when I was really young and my grandma was not a huge part of my life. I started a little before Memorial Day the gigantic task of scanning all my dad's slides into our computer. It has been fun getting to hear stories of when he was younger, getting to learn more about my grandparents, etc....

Memorial Day also was a day to remember how grateful I am for the brave men and women who have and are fighting for our country. I have written a poem about our Gift of Freedom...I don't usually share my work, so it is difficult to upload it on here. You will have to let me know what you think of it.

Gift of Freedom
Red, White, and Blue
Oh, how can I repay you?
You stand at attention
And yet often go unmentioned.

Your loved ones stand by
So that our flag can fly;
You fight for our voice
And to give us a choice.

Red, White, and Blue
Oh, how can I repay you?
You put yourself in danger
All for some strangers.

You die so we can live
It’s such a precious gift you give.
As I stand by your grave
I’m proud to live in the home of the brave.

Well since I have school early tomorrow morning I had better get off.

Thanks for reading!

The start of something new....

This is a new adventure for me; I am not one who shares my feelings let alone post them on the Internet for everyone to read. I have started this blog after a professor suggested the idea to me. He told me that it would enhance my writing skills and allow me to write without any pressure. I have always enjoyed telling stories since I was a little girl, so writing has become almost second nature to me. I wouldn't consider myself a "good" writer, but I am trying and I hope that it gets better with time. One of my goals in life is to eventually get some of my work published, so I guess this is a great starting point.

Writing is a way for me to escape the stress of everyday life. It allows me to enter a world that may have not existed otherwise. The ability to go somewhere, become someone new, and experience an adventure is indescribable.

I will use this blog as a type of journal; a place to share my adventures whether they be in my everyday life or ones I create.