Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 1...

A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

I realise that this picture is a year old, however it is the most recent picture I have of myself!

I don't know how "interesting" these facts are about myself, but here they are:

1. I hate jello, the texture is completely gross to me.

2. I am terrified of water!

3. I often act shy, because I don't know how to handle certain situations. I am actually pretty confident when I am around other people. I just don't like to be the first person to stand out.

4. I love the Spanish culture, I only wish I could speak the language! My dream is to travel to Spain one day.

5. I have a passion/love of reading. I have a never ending list of books to read and I am always looking for suggestions.

6. I secretly think I will be alone for the rest of my life. This idea really scares me.

7. I am a complete klutz. I am constantly falling down the stairs, tripping over my feet, or running into doors/walls.

8. One of my goals in life is to be a mother. Even if I never marry, I want to adopt two children.

9. I always have to be right. This is also connected with the fact that I like things to be perfect. It bothers me to not know something or for something to be out of place. It is a horrible quality to have truthfully, it has led me to some pretty lengthy discussions/arguments.

10. I am often referred to as Lavora by my family, because I can always be heard humming, singing, making up new lyrics to songs--whether at home, in the car, or standing in the grocery store.

11. I am a whiz with numbers--not necessarily meaning math skills, but remembering numbers. Ask me anyone in my families birthdays/anniversaries, my childhood friends phone numbers, or even my old locker combination in junior high school...I can tell you all of these.

12. I am a homebody. I enjoy sitting at home watching t.v/movies, reading a good book, playing games, crafting, or just doing absolutely nothing. I would much rather spend a day at home then go somewhere.

13. I am a people family may disagree with this statement, but I feel extremely guilty if I don't please people. This means I will go above and beyond what I am actually supposed to do in order to make someone happy. Unfortunately this has led to some letdowns for myself.

14. I often feel like I don't fit in anywhere (school, church, work, home). I believe this is where my fear of being alone comes from.

15. I fear I have so many goals for my life that I don't think I will actually accomplish them. I don't want to be known as the girl who was unsuccessful.

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