Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 6 & 7....

Your favorite super hero & why?
Since I don't have a favorite super hero, I have actually decided to skip this day and just move onto day 7!

A picture of something/someone who has the biggest impact on you

I have been very blessed in my life where I have had many people and things that have had an impact on me. I think I will just stick with the most important ones though in an effort to conserve time!

1. My family: I have the greatest family! My parents, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc... all have had an impact on me in one way or another. The two that stand out the most are my dad and sister Kacee. They are who I turn to whenever I need advise, guidance, or simply someone to listen to my ramblings. They both have given words of encouragement, love, friendship, and sometimes a reality check. I am grateful for each person in my family and the lessons they have taught me in the 25 years of life!

2. The Church: Even though I am struggling with the church at this current moment, it still has had an impact on my life. I have learned many things from the church, specifically the importance of how to treat people. I still have a love for my Heavenly Father and know that he is there guiding my life (even though many people have told me that, because I don't attend church I may not be able to feel him close to me...boy are they wrong!).

3. Teachers: I have had a few teachers that have inspired/impacted my life in a huge way! Miss Higgs (3rd grade), Mr. Herzog (8th grade English), and Candace Thurgood (high school family & consumer science). All three of these teachers have instilled the desire to want to be a teacher. Mr. Herzog influenced my love of writing and reading. Miss Higgs gave my confidence not only in my school work, but in myself (she is the real reason I am becoming a teacher!). And as for Candace, she showed me how to be a teacher, how to truly love your job, and how to dream big!

4. Writing: I know this may sound weird that writing has had an impact on me, but it really has. Writing has been a way for me to express my true feelings, and throughout my writing I have leaned a little bit more about myself with each piece.

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