Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catching up again....

OK, so maybe this blog challenge wasn't such a great idea! I have not been keeping up on it like I had planned, but December is kind of a tough month to be trying to do this type of thing. Anyways, here is day 22-28!

What makes you different from everyone else
This is a tough question, but I think there are lots of things that make me different from everyone else. I am a very complex person with many layers to myself. I am a very driven person. I like to have control of situations and events, I get very irritate/annoyed when things are not done to my specifications. Most people are able to step back and allow others to have control, not me. I have tried, but end up feeling like things are not done accurately. Another thing that I think is different from most people is the wanting to be center attention. Yes, I enjoy when people notice my hard work, but I don't like them to dwell on it. Most people want to be recognized and/or praised for their accomplishments...me not so much. There are only a few times when I have felt disappointed for not being recognized for some of my achievements, but those feelings come from another place within myself!

Something you crave
Lately my appetite has been a bit suppressed and nothing has sounded good. However, in the past I often crave apples, broccoli, chicken noodle soup, and chicken Alfredo.

A letter to your parents
Wowzer! Today's challenge is going to be a difficult one, but here it goes.
Dear Mom & Dad,
I don't even know where to begin this letter. First and foremost to my dad, I love, respect, adore, and couldn't live without you! You have been my rock and guiding light my entire life. From the very beginning it has been you and I. I was blessed that you worked swing shift and could stay home with me when I was younger, which I believe is what has really solidified our relationship. You have always been one of my heroes, not because you are my dad, but for the man that you are. You have always been the strength to our family. You are unlike any other father I know; you are always cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing yard work, providing for our family, listening to our problems, solving our problems and doing it all without complaint. Not many people see or believe how much you do around our house, but I want you to know that I do. I see how much thought, perseverance, and most importantly, how much love you give to each of us. Thank you for being such an incredible father, man, and friend! I love you!
To my mom even though we don't often see eye to eye, I want you to know that I do love you. I am grateful for the opportunity you and dad have given me to continue to live at home while I attend school. You often get the brunt of my frustrations and I want to apologize for that. Thank you for being my mom.

What I would find in your blog
If perusing my blog you would probably find short stories and poems I have written. You would also find pictures of me, my family, and things I enjoy. You might possibly run into a story about me or my family from time to time; and sometimes I am so inclined to post my latest craft idea.

What you think about your friends
My aunt is letting me borrow a diary that my Grandma Burton wrote when she was 15 years old. I am currently reading it and as she would have said, "Gee, I think they are swell!"---Diary was written in 1941

Why are you doing this 30-day challenge
I ask myself this question every time I sit down to write an answer to these questions! I decided to write it to expose a side of myself I often keep hidden--possibly, because I am afraid people will know the "real" me. However, if you read one of my earlier post titled: Exposing myself you would know that I am tired of hiding who I truly am.

A pic of you last year and now, how have you changed
I couldn't find a picture from last year, so you will have to just see one from 2008 and then from this year! I haven't changed that much; except for my hair length & color and my weight gain.

My birthday/Christmas in Disney World 2008

Christmas 2010 at my Grandma & Grandpa Helm's house...I was a little annoyed at this moment; then my sister came and took my picture.

And there you have my extra long post again....thankfully there is only 3 more days left of this challenge!!!

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