Saturday, December 18, 2010

Way behind...Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18....

Okay, so I have been trying to finish up Christmas presents, Christmas cards, adding in some relaxation, and starting my spring semester readings. Therefore, I have gotten a few days behind on the blog challenge. Here are the days I have missed all in one!

A letter to someone who hurt you recently
I am not going to provide a name for this person, but here it goes:
Dear So-&-So,

I don't think you have ever intended to hurt me, but it seems like every time I put trust, hope, or any inclining of thought into you or your family I get burned. I have always been jealous of your family, I even once thought you were the "ideal" family. However, as I have grown older I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing. Unfortunately there are several things that have happened through the years that have made me lose respect for you and your family. You are not the person I believed you to be, nor the person I think you were raised to be! I hope one day I can forgive you and possibly restore the trust, respect, and love I once had for you.


A pic of you and your family

Put your Ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

* How Far We've Come--Matchbox Twenty
* Ocean Avenue--Yellowcard
* Crack the Shutters--Snow Patrol
* Still Ain't Over You--Rob Thomas
* Dirty Little Secret--The All American Rejects
* Heels Over Head--Boys like Girls
* Her Eyes--Pat Monahan
* Hey Love--Better Than Ezra
* Carry You Home--James Blunt
* Be Ok--Ingrid Michaelson

Some more pictures of yourself

Someone you would want to switch lives with for 1 day and why
To be completely honest, there is no one I would want to switch lives with for 1 day! I am completely happy with my own life!

Plans/dreams/goals you have

Oh, I have so many so I will only list a few!
* Finish School and become a teacher
* Become a published author
* Be a mom someday
* Inspire at least one student a year to be their best
* Travel to Spain once
* Improve myself physically, mentally, and emotionally!

Whew! I am caught up on the challenge, hopefully I won't miss this many days again! Sorry for such a long post!

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