Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The start of something new....

This is a new adventure for me; I am not one who shares my feelings let alone post them on the Internet for everyone to read. I have started this blog after a professor suggested the idea to me. He told me that it would enhance my writing skills and allow me to write without any pressure. I have always enjoyed telling stories since I was a little girl, so writing has become almost second nature to me. I wouldn't consider myself a "good" writer, but I am trying and I hope that it gets better with time. One of my goals in life is to eventually get some of my work published, so I guess this is a great starting point.

Writing is a way for me to escape the stress of everyday life. It allows me to enter a world that may have not existed otherwise. The ability to go somewhere, become someone new, and experience an adventure is indescribable.

I will use this blog as a type of journal; a place to share my adventures whether they be in my everyday life or ones I create.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you started a blog. I am looking forward to reading your post. I have a blog also but it is private. That makes it kind of a pain in the butt to read but I post too many pictures for just anyone to see. If you want an invite to it let me know. Just send me you email address and I will send it to you. Have fun!
