Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm not that girl...

I have the need to vent and luckily not too many people read this blog, so I feel comfortable doing it here.

I value the person I am. I feel like in the last two years I have grown as an individual. I have more confidence in myself than I have had in the past. I believe in my abilities and feel like I have the skills to do anything that may come my way.

However, the past week I have been questioning myself and allowing others to get me down. I don't know why I have allowed them to bother me so much, but everyday I leave my class feeling even more discouraged then I did when I walked in. There are a few people in particular in my class that have a way I making me feel stupid. Everything I say they have a rebuttal. The issue is I know that I am not stupid, I know that I am meant to be a teacher, and I know that I am much stronger than I am appearing. So, why is it bothering me so much? Why am I feeling so insecure and wanting to throw in the towel? Why am I feeling like I'm back in high school--not feelin good enough?

I don't know if all of this is a lesson I need to learn in life, but I am feeling pretty insecure right now. I am hoping to find the courage somewhere inside of me to fight through this semester. I know I will get plenty of opportunities to work on this since one of the people who makes me feel this way is my partner during my teaching.

Well, that's it for my rant. Besides learning how to teach English, I guess I will be learning a lot about myself too!

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