Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whirlwind of events coming to an end...

After my last post I have gone through a whirlwind of testing to figure out what is going on with my body. On October 27th I had my MRI (something I will never do again). After they put the IV in (my MRI was done with a contrast) I was moved into the tunnel. I thought I would do just fine, but then they started to ask me to hold my breath; which is what made me panic a bit. After the MRI I had a couple of weeks before meeting with the doctor to review my results. I also at this time had some blood drawn to check my liver and pancreas.
The day finally arrived to meet with the doctor and review my test results. The MRI came back showing absolutely nothing, so it was back to square-one. However, the blood work they did showed that my liver enzymes were elevated (normal is 40, mine were 246); this means, you got it, more tests! I believe the final count of tests being ran was 15. Again, I had to wait another two weeks before finding out the results.
Yesterday, I met with the doctor to go over the new findings. I am happy to report it is nothing serious! It is simply a viral infection….Mononucleosis…often referred to as Mono. This explains why I have been feeling so run down lately, why my body aches all of the time, and why it never seems like I get enough sleep.
As for the chest pain I was experiencing the doctor believes it is residual pain from my gallbladder. I guess it is more common than one would think. Instead of getting pain from the gallbladder the bile duct will contract and mimic the same type of pain. He is starting my on some medication that will prevent the pain!
I am excited to get back to normal life and to be away from the hospital for a long long while!!!!

On a more positive note, Fall Semester 2011 is almost over!!!

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