Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011...

Thanksgiving was spent at our house again this year (my mom had to work); we usually go to my Grandpa & Grandma Helm's house. It was nice to stay home again this year, it seems more relaxed at home; not so much tension.

This year I was able to cook dinner again (minus the turkey, dad still makes the best so I don't want to mess with perfection!). Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday; I don't know what it is about it, but I really love it. I think it has to do with it being Autumn, the entire holiday is centered around food, and it really is a laid-back holiday. Anyways, I had been thinking for quite some time what I wanted to cook for dinner. Yesterday finally arrived and I was able to make: mashed potatoes with gravy, rolls, green bean casserole, an orange jello salad (which I don't eat), stuffing, and two pies. It turned out so yummy! I tried a new stuffing recipe and this was my first time baking pies.

I am a dork and decided to take pictures of the food...I wasn't able to take pictures of everything.

The turkey--we don't know why the top didn't brown in our roaster

The best stuffing (wasn't cooked yet)...I will post the recipe below!

Coconut Cream Pie--Kari doesn't like pumpkin so we had to have an alternative!

Yummy--Pumpkin Pie

Okay here is the stuffing recipe, I hope I can remember it all!

* 1 package of Johnsonville Sausage (either ground or links; if using links make sure to remove casings)
* 12 slices of New York Garlic Texas Toast (found in the frozen food section)
* 2 cups celery (chopped)
* 1 cup onion (chopped)
* 1-2 cups mushrooms (sliced)
* 2-4 tbsp butter
* 1 tsp sage
* 1-2 cups chicken stock
* 2 eggs (beaten)
* salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven 425 degrees. Bake Texas toast for 10 minutes, remove, let cool completely, and reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. While bread is cooling, brown sausage until no pink then drain well. In same pan you cooked sausage, melt butter and saute celery, onions, and mushrooms. Cube bread into 1 inch cubes (I did about 1/2 inch). In large bowl combined bread, cooked sausage, and sauteed vegetables. Making sure to mix evenly. Then add eggs, sage, salt, and pepper. Finally add chicken stock to moisten bread (first time I made this I used the full 2 cups, but second time I only used 1 cup). Bake covered in a lightly sprayed 9X13 pan for 50 minutes, then uncovered for an additional 10 minutes! Enjoy!!

*Side note: the original recipe had 1 cup green peppers instead of mushrooms, but since my family doesn't like green peppers I omitted them and used mushrooms!

Simple Quilts...

I am so grateful for my Grandma Helm and her willingness to share her talents with me. When I was in Young Womens one of my projects was to learn how to quilt. My grandma was willing to take time out of her day and teach me how. She and I tied a queen size quilt, learned more about each other, and just shared some time together.

Now that several years have passed; I still keep that time with my grandma very close to my heart. Every time I sit to tie a quilt I remember stories or comments she made to me. I was reminded of some stories as I tied another quilt this week for a friend's Christmas gift.

Even though my grandma is still here, she won't be forever, but those memories and the ability to quilt will be!

The quilt I started this week, it is finished now, but this is it half way done.

Close up of the fabric; back is a solid dark purple

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am thankful for...

Fall semester brought several classes my way, but one in particular has been a wonderful experience, Methods for Health Education. I have learned more from this one class, then I have through all of my schooling!

The class prepares those that are going into health education, whether they will be teaching in a school, in the hospital, or out in the community it provides them with the tools they will need.

In this class we, the students, have done all of the teaching. Each student has done a 55 minute presentation, a 20 minute presentation, and then will conclude with a 10 minute presentation. I believe I enjoy this class so much because it is hands on. Most of the presentations have activites to get us out of our seats and interactive with what is being taught. I have learned so many new teaching strategies and things I know I will use in the future.

I am grateful for this class, Dr. Patti Cost (Dr. C.), and for the students who have inspired me to want to learn more.

Whirlwind of events coming to an end...

After my last post I have gone through a whirlwind of testing to figure out what is going on with my body. On October 27th I had my MRI (something I will never do again). After they put the IV in (my MRI was done with a contrast) I was moved into the tunnel. I thought I would do just fine, but then they started to ask me to hold my breath; which is what made me panic a bit. After the MRI I had a couple of weeks before meeting with the doctor to review my results. I also at this time had some blood drawn to check my liver and pancreas.
The day finally arrived to meet with the doctor and review my test results. The MRI came back showing absolutely nothing, so it was back to square-one. However, the blood work they did showed that my liver enzymes were elevated (normal is 40, mine were 246); this means, you got it, more tests! I believe the final count of tests being ran was 15. Again, I had to wait another two weeks before finding out the results.
Yesterday, I met with the doctor to go over the new findings. I am happy to report it is nothing serious! It is simply a viral infection….Mononucleosis…often referred to as Mono. This explains why I have been feeling so run down lately, why my body aches all of the time, and why it never seems like I get enough sleep.
As for the chest pain I was experiencing the doctor believes it is residual pain from my gallbladder. I guess it is more common than one would think. Instead of getting pain from the gallbladder the bile duct will contract and mimic the same type of pain. He is starting my on some medication that will prevent the pain!
I am excited to get back to normal life and to be away from the hospital for a long long while!!!!

On a more positive note, Fall Semester 2011 is almost over!!!